Teachers being able to track what their students do is a great way of the future. Through E-Books they are able to see what their students read and don't read. Teachers want to know if their students are actually reading what they are assigned and they can also know if their are software problems so the students cannot lie about it.
We as teachers can use this to our advantage. We all know all students will not like us being able to know for a fact that a student didn't do an assigned portion or asignment. We will be able to tell who is giving their full 100% effort into the readings and who is not.
I being a student can't say I like this very much. I have taken some classes where the readings are too much to do in one setting without getting pre-occupied or losing interest. In college, being able to track all of your students readings will probably be a great shock to some teachers like Literature teachers. That is just too much to read.
Questions I would have are:
Does this really make class easier for you?
How do teachers around other schools feel about it?
Children with learning disabilities, how do they manage this?
As a college student I think that we are fully capable and should be fully responsible for the grades we make. I don't think we need a teacher over our shoulder in all situations. Once you are in college I think the teachers should let us grow up and prepare for being out on our own.