Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog Post #14

  Teachers being able to track what their students do is a great way of the future. Through E-Books they are able to see what their students read and don't read. Teachers want to know if their students are actually reading what they are assigned and they can also know if their are software problems so the students cannot lie about it. 

  We as teachers can use this to our advantage. We all know all students will not like us being able to know for a fact that a student didn't do an assigned portion or asignment. We will be able to tell who is giving their full 100% effort into the readings and who is not. 

  I being a student can't say I like this very much. I have taken some classes where the readings are too much to do in one setting without getting pre-occupied or losing interest. In college, being able to track all of your students readings will probably be a great shock to some teachers like Literature teachers. That is just too much to read. 

  Questions I would have are:
Does this really make class easier for you?
How do teachers around other schools feel about it?
Children with learning disabilities, how do they manage this?

  As a college student I think that we are fully capable and should be fully responsible for the grades we make. I don't think we need a teacher over our shoulder in all situations. Once you are in college I think the teachers should let us grow up and prepare for being out on our own.

Blog Post #13

Brian Crosby:

  In Mr. Brian Crosby's talk he showed how important it is to learn through social networking. He claims that we are taught to be taught but not how to learn. We should stop teaching our kids for the only purpose of good standardized test scores and really teach them how to learn properly and be open to knew information and how to understand that new information. Social networking could be great because the kids can be taught by things that really interest them and that will have them fully engaged.

Blended Learning Style:

  Mr. Paul Anderson's video, Blended Learning Cycle he shows different ways of engaging his students. His cycle has 6 parts that spells quivers. The QU is for question and grabs students attention. I is for investigative experiments to help solve the question. V is for the video or podcasts he uses in instructions. E is elaboration for them to research the answer. R is for review where he makes sure the students understand the final outcome or the lesson. S is for summary where he gives a quiz to see what the lass has learned.

  I believe that the Blended Learning Cycle is a great way to get your students to engage in a lesson and really learn things about whatever the topic may be. I think the investigative part would be the most fun for the younger students. I know when I was younger I used to love to dig into things. I will definitely teach off of this topic in the future.


Blog Post #12

Watch the video on Technology in Physical Education and tell me what your thoughts on how this would benefit our students. Two or more paragraphs

 I think that technology not only should find its way into the classroom at a more frequent rate, but also in the gym classes. It gets old playing the same old games everys single day and doing the same activities. Even if it is only one day a week. In the video, the kids are using things such as dance revolution and the Wii fit to become more active and get exercise.

  I think that getting students exercise through technology will impact more greatly on the kids who are not as good at sports as some of the other kids. The more athletic kids will like to play the traditional sports and be outside, but the other kids not so much. If you allow them to be able to play a virtual game and also get exercise, I think it benefits everybody as a whole because it something that they actually want to do and feel like it is something that they have to.

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy:

Ms. Cassidy and her class really amazed me at the rate and age her students started using technology. It was really awesome to see first graders being able to teach themselves things after being taught the proper way to use technology. They were able to use technology to learn the alphabet and also use it to understand meanings of new words. This video really made me wish I was taught this way in elementary school. They have a larger understanding of things than I did when I was their age. When I do start teaching, I will more than likely be teaching high school students so will use blogs and podcasts and that sort of thing, but I would be ecstatic if my future students were introduced to technology and had a grasp or understanding of how to use these things before they ever even got to my class. That would be awesome! Then we could just jump into the criteria and wouldn't have to go through the learning stage of using the technology that we will be using!

Blog Post #10

1. The comments of students on Mr. Spencer's blog posts show me that they are not talking about pencils but are actually talking about the different types of computers. I think he is trying to express that both are computers and even though one is more expensive, they both do the same things. Either of them will get the job done in other words.

2. Why were Your Kids Playing Games shows that some principle and others in the school system are ver biased and closed minded. The teacher in this video knew that the students were getting more out of playing these educational games and being far more engaged into this instead of having the standardized test criteria slammed into their heads. Mr. Spencer shows that even though sometimes your higher authority doesn't agree with how you are teaching your students, you have to take risks and do what is best for your class and students.

Dr. Mcleod:

  Even though he seemed to be very sarcastic in thi post, I do agree with the points he makes about people and their feelings towards technology. He makes the people who think badly and that down-talk techology seem beneath him and foolish, which they are in my opinion. As educators, if we want our students to succeed in the future, we must first encorporate technology into our overall criteria and have them exposed to the basics of it at an early age. Once they are older, we then can teach them the more difficult things and the things that will be needed in the workplace.

Blog Post #9

  At the Teacher's Desk is a great video and these two men show us what teaching is really about! Mr. William Chamberlain and Mr. Joe McClung really try to do their best to inspire their students to be the best possible students that they can be. This is a great source that we as future educators can can back to at anytime in the future.

  Mr. McClung's Volume-4 post was very inspiring and noteworthy. It sounded as id he was kind of boasting about himself but then I thought that doing what he did, it would be hard not to! He shows that it is not hard or unusual for some teachers to lose their spark for teaching and sometimes get in sort of a rut. We have to find new ways of challenging ourselves to keep us on edge and giving our students the best we have every day. If we expect our students to do the best they can, we should also give them the best possible effort that we can!

  I read the post that he talks about always trying to be in good standard with the people above you! I know that this may sound like brown-nosing but once you think about it, it is actually very smart. But once again he goes back to the kids and expresses that the kids are always first priority and that pleasing your superiors is important but not if it gets in the way of the kids.


Blog Post #8

Dr. Miller:

   Watching Richard Miller-This is How We Dream 1 & 2 makes you realize that change should be forthcoming. Change as in, changing with technology. Some things he said will catch you off guard and seem off topic.

  As educators we must adapt to the new day and age with technology. If we don't adapt we are failing to provide our students with the full education they need for the real world and it's jobs. Our future students deserve the best and that's what we should give them.

  Multimedia is a thing of the new age and no it doesn't scare me. It actually encourages me that I as a future educator have the opportunity to engage my students into this a quite an early age. I look at it as being ahead of everyone else in my selected field.

Carly's Blog Post #12:

  Carly is by far one of the biggest overachievers I have ever read about or heard about!! That's not a bad thing at all! She is so excited about being an educator that by the end of the blog post she has you very excited. Her links and videos were very helpful and I like that she expresses that "good teachers lead by example", I also believe that!


  I really related to this video mainly because of procrastination. I feel the same way Chipper does sometimes. College is hard if you make it that way. If you stay up on your work and do the things you are supposed to it makes it easier. This class and Dr. Strange have really showed me that there is no room for procrastination in some areas. The classes that you can't procrastinate in are usually your better classes!

EDM310 For Dummies:

  The overkill in this video was amazing. This class is very time consuming and you have to stay up on your work. As long as you stay on schedule and do not procrastinate you should be successful! Iloved the video and think that it should be shown at the beginning of the semester.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn:

  In this video, students are exposed to technology all the time. Some teachers are so dead set in not letting technology into the classroom. I think one reason is because the teacher is not properly advanced in technology. If they let it in, it would give them an edge up on a large groip of students and have them ready for the outside world as it is today.