Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy:

Ms. Cassidy and her class really amazed me at the rate and age her students started using technology. It was really awesome to see first graders being able to teach themselves things after being taught the proper way to use technology. They were able to use technology to learn the alphabet and also use it to understand meanings of new words. This video really made me wish I was taught this way in elementary school. They have a larger understanding of things than I did when I was their age. When I do start teaching, I will more than likely be teaching high school students so will use blogs and podcasts and that sort of thing, but I would be ecstatic if my future students were introduced to technology and had a grasp or understanding of how to use these things before they ever even got to my class. That would be awesome! Then we could just jump into the criteria and wouldn't have to go through the learning stage of using the technology that we will be using!

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